How To Deal With A Lying Spouse During A Divorce?


Dealing with a divorce can be a stressful period of your life. During such tough times, one thing that can make things even more complex is when your spouse is lying, manipulative and uncooperative. The most common type of lies are those about the existence of marital property, substance abuse, business debts, and cohabitation, which can impact the entire process. 

If you are dealing with a pathological liar in your case, you may be wondering what you can do to protect your interests throughout the divorce process. Fortunately, there are certain things you can do to clear your path and get on the road to success. To lessen your burden and have someone handle the paperwork, seek divorce lawyers green bay wi today.

Tips for dealing with a lying spouse during a divorce 

  • Make sure you have the right evidence. 

If you have been married to your spouse for a considerable amount of time and know their traits, then you may be aware of their lying personality. You may also be able to make a few right guesses about the lies they will throw at you. To remain prepared, gather evidence to contradict their claims. Obtain financial records, medical reports, and any reports from therapists. 

  • Do not let your spouse’s lies affect the way you feel. 

If your spouse is a manipulative liar, they may be able to get you to agree with them regarding important legal issues like spousal support, child support, child custody, etc. So, before you go into divorce, you must ensure that you are firmly fixed on your decision and prepared to stick to it. Keeping a journal related to the things that prompted you to divorce can help when you feel confused. 

  • Provide helpful guidance to your lawyer. 

You must be frustrated by the lies your spouse keeps telling you and the attorneys. Instead of getting angry and wasting time arguing with them, channel your anger into positive action and help your lawyer prepare for the legal battle. Go through the divorce papers and highlight each lie in the papers. If the alleged facts are false, point them out and explain the truth to your attorney so they can gather evidence to prove your claim. 

  • Try to minimize contact. 

The more you stay in touch with your spouse, the more their lies will trigger your anger. This will lead to unnecessary conflict and can make the divorce process more conflicting and stressful than it should be. If you know that they will lie, there is no point in speaking to them at all. 

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