Filling Out an SSA Function Report in Florida


You may be familiar with an Adult Function Report if you have ever had to submit a disability claim for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (AFR). To assist Social Security in better understanding how your medical issues affect your everyday life, you can self-report activities you engage in throughout a typical day using the AFR. This is referred to as an ADL questionnaire by Social Security attorneys and medical professionals (Activities of Daily Living). This is one of your application’s most crucial components. Reach out to an attorney today to learn more about the SSA function report in Florida. 

Guidelines for submitting the SSD function report:

Try to be as transparent as possible:

Just like your disability claim, countless medical documents are examined daily. So, if you overstate what you can not do or your symptoms, it will be obvious, and you will lose the credibility of your statements. Even if your claim gets before an Administrative Law Judge at a later date, this will have an adverse impact.  

Do not miss the deadline: 

Make note of the due dates Social Security specifies for your report submission. Take as long as you want to fill out the form, but make it a point to submit it on time. Ensure to set aside to understand what is needed and fill out the SSA-3373 form carefully. 

Do not just make a list, explain the disabilities:

Do not only list your conditions’ symptoms here. State which responsibilities you could not perform at your prior positions, which led to your termination or cessation of employment. Also, note that Social Security will review your 15 years of employment history. Perhaps you had to leave a job due to your condition, and attempted another profession, but neither worked out. If you faced something of that sort, explain the challenges faced at both employment.

Take as much time as writing space to completely and truthfully discuss your constraints. Remember, you want to give readers a complete picture of your life. It is okay if that needs a little extra space. 

Final thoughts:

Find a lawyer if your application for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits has been rejected. Your disability claim will be processed by the SSA, who will check your documentation and ask you questions as needed. It is beneficial to have disability attorneys at your side as you navigate the application procedure. An SSD attorney will represent you and assist you with the claims procedure.